Tuesday, 3 July 2012 Tawakal

salam, kali ni saya nak update psl ujian HSG yang perlu sy buat...sbb 2nd visit di klinik medina doc check en.suami punye kate nye x brape ok, cume few @ 5% jer yg satge 4..doc ade bg suplement n ubat so total cost for 2nd visit is RM734...n sample sperm en.suami d hantar ke Lab utk check ade infection atau after 2weeks baru kami follow up semula dgn dr.marsita. she said after do the lab test, so ok..nothing to worried about en.suami, cume give about 3month to recover.for 3rd visit our cost is rm240...pastu i tell oktor about my period history which is period dtg telalu sikt, n about 2days aje terus stop. and doktor decide to do a HSG test di Tawakal, sbb nk tgk tiub or rahim ade tsumbat atau x...wahhh..bit nervous jgk la...sbb sakit ke x..ha3.....and why doc suruh bt d tawakal, sbb doktor yg buat HSG tu ok lah...lpas balik rumah terus col tawakal untuk bt apoinment...ha lupe plak..normally utk buat HSG ni perlu hari ke 10 after period...selain dr hari ke 10, klau x de refer doc dorg x nak ambik risiko(sbb takut pregnant)..cmtu la kate i nak buat ni i hari ke 21...ape lg, nurse kat tawakal tu ckp x boleh..adoi..dah la dr.marsita nak result HSG cepat, sbb takut bazir cyle...x pe lah..decide terus nak ke tawakal untuk explain pade dorg...n dorg tetap x nak buat jgk....adoiiii at last i col dr.marsita and she want talk to de doctor why they cannot accaept my appinment, Finally i got it!! 28hb6 confirm pkul 11am buat HSG..hurmmmm worried nyer...balik rumah, terus google procedure HSG ni mcm mane, sakit ke doc ade bg ubat tahan sakit bile nk buat test ok la, tp bila doc dh bg painkiller ni msti sakit kan.....
So hari khamis tu, en.suami teman..alhamdulillah kurang la nervous skit..smpai2 pkul 11, terus register, tp boleh lupa nk mkn pain killer..adoiiii...risau tggu je lah, pkul 12 br masuk doc yg buat tu mmg doc peremepuan. dr.fatimah yakin..hati bdebar2...alhamdulillah x de la sakit sgt, cume rase sengal2 skit mcm period pain...1st tu die ambik x ray dlu before masuk kan cecair dlm kite punye vagina..n after a few 2nd lepas dye tu d masukkan die ambik lg 4 gambar n posisi bbeza2. dalam 45minutes DONE!! time dr.fatimah do de procedure she said looks OK..sbb dye tu masuk ok terus ke hepy lah, just tggu formal result....